Empowered Partners Podcast #1 Kristen Waldron - Chief Of Staff, Philadelphia Zoo

leadership podcast Dec 20, 2021

Empowered Partners Podcast #1: Kristen Waldron - Chief of Staff, Philadelphia Zoo

Welcome to my new podcast, Empowered Partners! Are you ready to grow your business or career and start really living your best life? If you said "Yes!" - you're in the right place. Hear philosophies, tools, and strategies to improve your life and reach your goals. Hosted by Angeline May and Christine Martey-Ochola and brought to you by Women Willpower - where women collaborate to build businesses and grow as leaders

This is Episode #1 and you’ll join Co-Hosts Angeline May and Christine Martey-Ochola as they welcome Kristen Waldron, Chief of Staff at the Philadelphia Zoo. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re enjoying the bites!

  • Episode Summary & Player
  • Show Notes
  • Empowered Partners Summary

Empowered Partners Episode #1: Kristen Waldron - Chief of Staff, Philadelphia Zoo

Are you ready to grow your business or career and start really living your best life? If you said "Yes!" - you're in the right place. Welcome to Empowered Partners. In this pilot episode, Co-Hosts Angeline May and Christine Martey-Ochola are joined by Kristen Waldron, Chief of Staff at the Philadelphia Zoo. Hear how she got to her leadership role, the strategy that paid off in her thriving program, how to engage stakeholders, stay agile as a leader, and find a mentor. This episode covers everything from being a zookeeper to inspiring your team. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:

  • How did Kristen get to where she is today?
  • What have she and her team done to resolve challenges?
  • How does the zoo being in West Philadelphia play into things?
  • What tactics has Kristen used to bring people together?
  • How do you lead when there are serious global challenges?
  • What role did Kristen’s partners play in these projects?
  • How do you find your voice?
  • Was there any pushback on these projects?


Learn more at WomenWillpower.com.

Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.

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Show Notes

What is Empowered Partners?

Are you ready to grow your business or career and start really living your best life? If you said "Yes!" - you're in the right place. Hear philosophies, tools, and strategies to improve your life and reach your goals. Hosted by Angeline May and Christine Martey-Ochola and brought to you by Women Willpower - where women collaborate to build businesses and grow as leaders

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